15 May iLASIK Postoperative Instructions
Once at home you should take a nap. You will also be asked to put in drops. The eye shield should remain in place until the next morning. On the evening of the surgery, you can lift off the eye shields in order to give eye drops and reposition them firmly with tape. The eye shield prevent you from inadvertently rubbing your eyes. Keeping your eyes moist on the evening after surgery greatly speeds the rate of recovery of your vision. Therefore, for the first 6 hours after surgery, keep your eyes gently closed as much as possible.
Avoid strenuous activity for the first 7 days after your procedure. Avoid situations where the eye may be exposed to direct trauma such as contact sports for at least 4 weeks. Following this it is advisable to wear protective eye wear in such situations.
You can shower, beginning on the day after surgery; it is best to try to keep any of the shower water from getting into your eyes. If you feel that some of the shower water has gotten into your eye, please place an additional drop of Exocin antibiotic drop in the eye.
Do not wear eye make-up or lotions for one week.
After one week you may resume all of your normal daily activities except swimming; you may swim two weeks after surgery.
Be sure not to bump or rub your eye for at least one week after surgery. If at all possible, avoid rubbing your eye for at least one month after surgery.
Particular precautions:
a) Do not resume driving until your vision has sufficiently cleared
b) Avoid rubbing or bumping the eye
c) You may experience glare during the initial healing of the eye. If you wish, wear sunglasses for added comfort.
d) Please do not wear any of your own contact lenses on the operated eye.
It is very important to follow the instructions for the medications exactly. Please see postoperative instructions (to be given on the day of surgery)
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